selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- Thinking and Being by Irad Kimhi. Ed. 27. 2021
- Dewey for a New Age of Fascism: Teaching Democratic Habits by Nathan Crick. Ed. 26. 2020
- Epistemology for the Rest of the World. Ed. 73. 2020
- Taking Back Philosophy: A Multicultural Manifesto by Bryan W. Van Norden. Ed. 26. 2020
- Shanzhai: Deconstruction in Chinese by Byung-Chul Han. Ed. 26. 2020
- Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Culture, and World Politics ed. by Ban Wang. Ed. 24. 2018
- Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics. Ed. 71. 2018
- Common Knowledge? An Ethnography of Wikipedia. Ed. 23. 2017
- The Book of Beginnings. Ed. 22. 2016
- The Philosophical Challenge from China. Ed. 22. 2016
- Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion. Ed. 69. 2015
- A World without Why. Ed. 21. 2015
- Beyond Human Nature. Ed. 21. 2015
- Ing, Michael David Kaulana. The Dysfunction of Ritual in Early Confucianism. Oxford Ritual Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 285 pp. $99.00 (cloth); $35.00 (paper).. Ed. 94. 2014
- Masters of the Planet: The Search for Our Human Origins. Ed. 19. 2013
- Out of Athens: The New Ancient Greeks. Ed. 18. 2012
- Aristolle on the Nature of Truth. Ed. 50. 2012
- Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze, and Aesthetics. Ed. 17. 2011
- The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness. Ed. 16. 2010
- Architect and Engineer: A Study in Sibling Rivalry. Ed. 16. 2010
- A Theory of Craft: Function and Aesthetic Expression. Ed. 15. 2009
- Worrying About China: The Language of Chinese Critical Inquiry. Ed. 15. 2009
- Philosophy the Day After Tomorrow. Ed. 14. 2008
- The Order of Evils: Toward an Ontology of Morals. Ed. 14. 2008
- What It's All About. Ed. 285. 1999
- Feminist Interpretations of Michel FoucaultSusan J. Hekman, editor University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996, ix + 320 pp.. Ed. 38. 1999
- Nietzsche’s Genealogy. Ed. 31. 1999
- The Soul of Knowledge. Ed. 36. 1997
- Hilary Putnam Realism with a Human Face. James Conant, ed Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press1990. Pp.lxxiv + 347. - HILARY PUTNAM Renewing Philosophy. Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press1992. Pp. xii + 234.. Ed. 24. 1994
- Foundations of transcendental philosophy (Wissenschaftslehre) Nova Methodo (1796/99). Ed. 18. 1994
- Living in Time 2023
- Empiricisms: Experience and Experiment from Antiquity to the Anthropocene 2021
- Knowledge and Civilization 2018
- Striking Beauty A Philosophical Look at the Asian Martial Arts 2015
- Vanishing Into Things Knowledge in Chinese Tradition 2015
- Artifice and Design: Art and Technology in Human Experience 2008
- Truth in Philosophy 1993
- Finding a Daoist Perspective for Engineering. Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society. 19-24. 2024
- Naturalism with Chinese characteristics. 255-263. 2022
- Disepistemology. 180-188. 2021
- Aesthetics in Asian Martial Arts. 301-310. 2021
- Pragmatism and Confucian Empiricism. 40-48. 2021
- Pragmatism more ironic than pragmatic. 88-109. 2021
- Unnatural Nuptials. 23-41. 2019
- "Ever Not Quite": William James’s Pluralistic Universe. 75-92. 2017
- Michel Foucault. 301-319. 2017
- Pragmatism and hermeneutics. 287-294. 2017
- Experience in Experience and Its Modes. 27-45. 2016
- The Rorty Deleuze Pas de Deux. 163-179. 2014
- Pragmatism and gay science: Comparing Dewey and Nietzsche. 69-89. 2010
- Foucault's Theory of Knowledge. 143-161. 2010
- After knowledge and liberty: Foucault and the new pragmatism. 68-89. 2009
- What knowledge? what hope? what new pragmatism?. 145-162. 2004
- All the Daring of the Lover of Knowledge is Permitted Again. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. 123-140. 1999
- Atheism, Relativism, Enlightenment, and Truth. Currents of Encounter. 70-81. 1999
- Introduction: Richard Rorty, Pragmatic Provocateur. Common Knowledge. 359-365. 2022
journal articles
- Experience, Experiments, and the History of Empiricism. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 80:805-812. 2024
- Time for Truth: Tarski Between Heidegger and Rorty. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 79:1163-1174. 2023
- Indigenous Epistemologies of North America. Episteme. 20:324-336. 2023
- Living data. Human Affairs. 30:512-517. 2020
- Three Kinds of Movement. MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY. 44:231-238. 2019
- Modes of Margin in Philosophy. Common Knowledge. 24:181-189. 2018
- A Cool Experiment. Common Knowledge. 24:1-7. 2018
- Asian Martial Arts: The Anarchic Legacy of the War Machine. International Journal of the History of Sport, The. 33:882-892. 2016
- To Really See the Little Things: Sage Knowledge in Action. Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 42:359-370. 2015
- War as a Problem of Knowledge: Theory of Knowledge in China’s Military Philosophy. Philosophy East and West. 65:1-17. 2015
- Daoism and Chinese Martial Arts. Dao. 13:251-266. 2014
- Games of Sport, Works of Art, and the Striking Beauty of Asian Martial Arts. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. 40:241-254. 2013
- Postmodern Pragmatism and Skeptical Hermeneutics: Richard Rorty and Odo Marquard. Contemporary Pragmatism. 10:91-111. 2013
- The use of useless knowledge: Bergson against the pragmatists. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 43:37-59. 2013
- Experiments In Democracy. Contemporary Pragmatism. 9:75-92. 2012
- Aristotle on the Nature of Truth (review). Journal of the history of philosophy. 50:135-136. 2012
- THE CLOUD OF KNOWING. Common Knowledge. 17:450-532. 2011
- The Cultural Politics of Nonhuman Things. Contemporary Pragmatism. 8:3-19. 2011
- A Dao of Technology?. Dao. 9:151-160. 2010
- The Virtual and the Vacant—Emptiness and Knowledge in Chan and Daoism. Journal of Chinese Philosophy. 37:457-471. 2010
- A More Laudable Truthfulness. Common Knowledge. 14:193-200. 2008
- Turning Back the Linguistic Turn in the Theory of Knowledge. Thesis Eleven. 89:6-22. 2007
- Prometheus and the Muses. Common Knowledge. 12:354-378. 2006
- Extreme Virtue: Truth and Leadership in Five Great American Lives (review). Biography. 27:625-628. 2004
- EVIL AND ENMITY. Common Knowledge. 10:185-197. 2004
- The Ubiquitous Artifact: On Coherence. New Literary History. 35:259-271. 2004
- Forbidding Knowledge. The Monist. 79:294-310. 1996
- Putnam und Rorty über Objektivität und Wahrheit. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie. 42:989-1006. 1994
- Atheism, relativism, Enlightenment and truth. Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses. 23:167-177. 1994
- PUTNAM AND RORTY ON OBJECTIVITY AND TRUTH. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie. 42:989-1005. 1994
- The Historical Discourse of Philosophy. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 19:127-158. 1993
- Government in Foucault. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 21:421-439. 1991
- Gruesome Arithmetic: Kripke's Sceptic Replies. Dialogue. 28:257-264. 1989
- Postmodern Pragmatism. Philosophical Topics. 36:1-15.
- The Art of Technology and the Technology of Art. Roczniki Kulturoznawcze. 13:21-23.
- The Lessons of Solipsism. Idealistic Studies. 21:151-154.