selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- The medallions of Antoninus Pius - PETER FRANZ MITTAG, RÖMISCHE MEDAILLONS, II. ANTONINUS PIUS (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart2019). S. 207, Taf. 108. ISBN 978-3-515-12429-4. EUR 56.. Ed. 33. 2020
- Comparing archaeological finds of military equipment with those on the Column of Marcus Aurelius - BORIS ALEXANDER NIKOLAUS BURANDT, DIE AUSRÜSTUNG DER RÖMISCHEN ARMEE AUF DER SIEGESSÄULE DES MARCUS AURELIUS IN ROM. EIN VERGLEICH ZWISCHEN DER SKULPTURALEN DARSTELLUNG UND DEN ARCHÄOLOGISCHEN BODENFUNDEN (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 28; Archaeopress Publishing, Oxford2017). Pp. iv + 415 (Tafeln und Abbildungen occupy pp. 135-411). ISBN 978 1 78491 693 0. £45.. Ed. 32. 2019
- Images on Greek, Hellenistic and Roman coins: a conference held at Athens in 2012 - P. P. IOSSIF, FR. DE CALLATAŸ, R. VEYMIERS (edd.), TYPOI. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS SEEN THROUGH THEIR IMAGES. NOBLE ISSUES, HUMBLE USERS? PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY THE BELGIAN AND FRENCH SCHOOLS AT ATHENS, 26-28 SEPTEMBER 2012 (Série Histoire 3; Presses Universitaires de Liège2018). Pp. 526, charts, pls. 71 mostly in colour. ISBN 978-2-87562-157-3.. Ed. 32. 2019
- New old photographs of the Column of Trajan - ALEXANDRE SIMON STEFAN, LA COLONNE TRAJANE. ÉDITION ILLUSTRÉE AVEC LES PHOTOGRAPHIES EXÉCUTÉES EN 1862 POUR NAPOLÉON III (A. et J. Picard, Paris 2015). Pp. 301, pls. 63. ISBN: 978-2-7084-0946-0. EUR. 80.. Ed. 29. 2016
- New drawings of the Column of Marcus Aurelius - GIANGIACOMO MARTINES (ed.), COLVMNA DIVI MARCI. CORPUS DEI DISEGNI 1981-1996 (Modus Editore, Rome 2013). 33 folded plates (boxed). ISBN 978-88909411. EUR. 180.. Ed. 28. 2015
- MARS ULTOR. 686. 2023
- The Column of Marcus Aurelius. 249-263. 2012
- Trajan and Hadrian 2012
- The Ceramic Lamps from Building 600. 293-340. 2009
journal articles
- PLINY, LETTERS 10.98. A METAPHOR FOR THE SOLUTION TO THE CHRISTIAN PROBLEM?. Classical Quarterly. 72:452-455. 2022
- A new portrait type for Faustina the Younger. Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA). 34:734-741. 2021
- GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY PROJECTS 2020–2021: INVESTIGATIONS IN THE SABINA. Papers of the British School at Rome. 89:350-352. 2021
- Stigmata and the Cupids of Piazza Armerina. American Journal of Archaeology. 125:461-469. 2021
- The Gold Coinage of Hadrian, AD 130-138. American Journal of Numismatics. 31:145-188. 2019
- Trajan's Column and Mars Ultor. Journal of Roman Studies. 106:124-146. 2016
- Excavations at Zeugma Conducted by Oxford Archaeology. Mouseion. 13:173-+. 2016
- The Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Nysa on the Meander: Survey and Excavation, 2010. Mouseion. 56:155-174. 2012
- Intra-family die links in the antonine mint at rome. Numismatic Chronicle. 169:205-211. 2009
- The Significance of Roman Imperial Coin Types. Klio. 91:144-161. 2009
- Survey And Excavation at Nysa on the Meander, 2009: The Gymnasium Portico and Palaestra. Mouseion. 53:125-142. 2009
- Excavations at Nysa on the Meander, 2008: The West Portico of the Gymnasium. Mouseion. 52:265-279. 2008
- The direction of carving of the columns of trajan and marcus aurelius. Mitteilungen des Deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung. 112:225-236. 2005
- The border of the frieze of the Column of Marcus Aurelius and its implications. Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA). 18:302-312. 2005
- The border of the frieze of the Column of Marcus Aurelius and its implications. Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA). 18:303-312. 2005
- The "Columnae Coc(h)lides" of Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. Phoenix. 56:348-348. 2002