Active Grants for the Mechanical Engineering department

Grant Name Close Date
Canadian Sepsis Research Network: Improving Care Before, During and After Sepsis. 11/30/2024
Canadian Sepsis Research Network: Improving Care Before, During and After Sepsis. 11/30/2024
Developments of diagnostic and predictive tools and regulatory device testing machines for cardiovascular diseases 12/16/2026
Individualized Fortification of Human Milk to Improve Neurodevelopment of Infants Born <1250 grams 6/30/2027
Investigation of the factors contributing to fracture risk in clinical populations using novel image processing techniques of standard DXA images from longitudinal datasets. 3/31/2026
Next Generation Protective Equipment and Materials using integrated technology development in Materials, Manufacturing and Design 2/26/2028
Omics guided technologies for scalable production of cultured meat 7/18/2028
Platform for Smart Biomaterials 12/9/2024