publication venue for
- A combined solid-state NMR and quantum chemical calculation study of hydrogen bonding in two forms of α-d-glucose. 123:101848-101848. 2023
- Combining density functional theory and 23Na NMR to characterize Na2FePO4F as a potential sodium ion battery cathode. 103:1-8. 2019
- Minimizing the effects of RF inhomogeneity and phase transients allows resolution of two peaks in the 1H CRAMPS NMR spectrum of adamantane. 71:30-40. 2015
- A simulated annealing approach for solving zeolite crystal structures from two-dimensional NMR correlation spectra. 65:89-98. 2015
- Singularities in the lineshape of a second-order perturbed quadrupolar nucleus. The magic-angle spinning case. 63-64:42-47. 2014
- Singularities in the lineshape of a second-order perturbed quadrupolar nucleus and their use in data fitting. 61-62:39-48. 2014
- Complete description of the interactions of a quadrupolar nucleus with a radiofrequency field. Implications for data fitting. 53:20-26. 2013
- Structure solution of network materials by solid-state NMR without knowledge of the crystallographic space group. 51-52:37-45. 2013
- Editorial. 42:1-1. 2012
- Studies of lithium ion dynamics in paramagnetic cathode materials using 6Li 1D selective inversion methods. 42:26-32. 2012
- Reorientation phenomena in imidazolium methyl sulfonate as probed by advanced solid-state NMR. 24:150-162. 2003