Active Grants for the Biology department

Grant Name Close Date
Alliance International Collaboration 5/31/2025
Cannabis exposure in utero: impact on the developmental programming of the gut-brain axis 9/30/2028
Characterizing the risk of microplastics to Ontario's freshwater ecosystems 12/2/2028
Discovery Grant 4/30/2026
Epigenetic effects of environmental thyroid disruption 3/27/2025
Exploring new growth modes and developmental trajectories for Streptomyces bacteria 4/30/2025
Genomic and physiological mechanisms of hypoxia adaptation in high-altitude mice 7/1/2026
Kaiso, Triple Negative Breast Cancer and Women of African Ancestry. 9/30/2025
Long COVID Web: Pan-Canadian Post-COVID Condition Research Network 10/31/2027
Modelling the earliest stages of cellular life 3/31/2028
Physiological mechanisms of adaptation to low-oxygen environments in high-altitude mice 8/1/2026
Physiology of hypoxia adaptation in the world’s highest-dwelling mammal 7/1/2026
Regulatory solutions to the antibiotic production challenge 3/2/2029
Space-time mechanisms of pattern control during vertebrate embryo segmentation 3/31/2026
Systems control of morphogen signaling during repetitive tissue patterning 3/31/2029
The contribution of peroxynitrite to neurotrophin transport deficits in aging and Alzheimer's disease 8/31/2025
Therapeutics for CF Pathogens 3/3/2025
Using a multicontinental invasion framework to understand constraints on movement & range expansion in an aquatic invasive fish species, the round goby 9/1/2025